Friday, September 14, 2007

Let Firefox Turn Off The Computer When All Files Have Downloaded

Say it's midnight and you want to call it a day. But the issue is that you are downloading some huge files from the Internet via Firefox (see screenshot) and at your current internet speed, the download will take another two hours to finish.

shut down computer

You could either cancel the downloads, or leave the computer in running state, or just install Auto Shutdown from

As the name suggest, this extension will turn off the computer automatically as soon as Firefox has downloaded all the pending files in the queue.

If you not using Firefox, try the shutdown command in Windows that will turn off the computer after the given time. For instance, if you want to turn off the computer in next two hours, type the following in Windows Run box:

shutdown -s -t 7200 [7200 = 2 hours]

The Auto Shutdown extension of Firefox internally executes the same command.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Internet Radio Broadcasting in your Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger or Yahoo Messenger

With the help of our GTalk2VoIP service all Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger and Yahoo Messenger users now can connect to a number of Internet Radio Broadcasting stations and start listening radio streams. No additional software to install, just follow the instructions below.

Step 1. Subscribe to the service in one of the possible ways:

  • 1st Way. Open your IM messenger and invite new recipient whose user id is
  • 2nd Way. Go to GTALK-TO-VOIP and submit your user id by pressing "Invite!" button, then accept the invitation from

Step 2. Send RADIO command to to get list of available radio stations, remember a numerical ID of any.

Step 3. Send RADIO ID command to service to get connected.

Step 4. Accept incoming call from the service.

For Google Talk users. Google Talk user can invite radio station contact into their list of contacts by adding a contact like: (i.e. When contact appears online, press Call button to connect to the radio station.


Ruslan: RADIO

service: Welcome to GTalk2VoIP - Free Voice Gateway for Google Talk, MSN and Yahoo!
Type 'HELP' for more information
You entered:


100 - Classic Country Music from Heartland Public Radio []
101 - Cowboy Cultural Society Radio - an American tradition since 2002 []
102 - Atlantic Sound Factory - ASF Radio []
103 - 100.7 Jack FM, San Diego []
104 - 102.7 FM The Fringe []
105 - - The Buzz (Your Alternative Station!) []
106 - - The Mix Channel (70s, 80s, 90s and Today's Best Music) []
107 - - The Eagle (Your Home For REAL Classic Rock!) []
108 - .977 The 80s Channel []
109 - 1.FM - Channel X []
201 - KCRW World News []
202 - Sporting News Radio []
203 - KPFK - Southern California's 90.7 FM News, Talk & Music []
204 - WBUR 90.9 FM, Boston's NPR News Station []

Ruslan: RADIO 100

service: You entered: RADIO 100
Please, accept call from gtalk2voip

Incoming call from at 6:38 PM on Sunday
service: Connecting to FM Radio Station [100]: Classic Country Music from Heartland Public Radio
Connected to: Classic Country Music from Heartland Public Radio

Please note, that...
  • If radio has not started to play in 5 secs, try to drop the call and connect again.
Related: FM is on GTalk

Monday, September 10, 2007

Find Any Email in GMail With Simple Search Commands

While some GMail users download email locally to Outlook or Thunderbird and then use desktop search programs like Copernic or Windows Desktop Search to find emails, GMail itself has some powerful search capabilities.

Let's look at some common search scenarios and possible solutions:

Q: I have hundreds of unread emails in my Gmail Inbox but not all of them show up on the main page. Can I bring up view in GMail containing only unread messages.

A: label:inbox is:unread

Q: My boss sent me a PDF document last month that I can no longer locate in the Inbox. Can you help me find it.

A: from:Name_Of_Boss filename:pdf after:2007/07/01 [yyyy/mm/dd]

Q: I received an email from Paypal support last week. I am not sure if I deleted the message, archived it or marked it as Spam.

A: from:Paypal in:anywhere

Q: I have dozens of unread email messages in the Inbox but I am in a hurry to check them all. Show me just the messages that are for me.

A: is:unread after:2007/09/03

Q: Ryan is a good friend who send me pretty interesting PowerPoint / Word files that often have inspirational quotes, beautiful natural landscapes and funny slide shows of Cats. I love it all but they take too much space.

A: from:Ryan has:attachment [Select all and then delete]

Q. I accidentally deleted an important email message from a colleague. My GMail trash is already overflowing. How do I retrieve that particular message.

A: label:trash Name_Of_Your_Colleague

Q: I use GMail to automatically backup my WordPress blog. The database backup are stored via email attachments as Zips. Since I am running short on GMail storage, I would like to delete all backups that are older than two weeks.

A: before:2007/08/15 wordpress

Q: While chatting over Google Talk, Veronica sent me a link to her Flickr pictures.

A: in:chat from:veronica

Q: Show me all emails from my Boss that he marked Urgent or Important in the subject.

A: from:Boss_Name subject:(Urgent OR Important)

Q. I have two contacts in GMail with similar names - Peter King and Peter King Junior. Can I see emails the received from the former contact.

A: from:Peter King -Junior

Search Shortcuts: Instead of typing label:unread, you can simply type l:^u

Important: Unlike Google web search, GMail won't suggest search results that contain plurals or misspellings of your search query. For instance, a search for "computer" will only show email with that exact word - you won't see messages containing the word "computers".

Turn Your Mouse Pointer Into a SpotLight, Perfect for Presentations


Spotlights are commonly used in concerts and musical theatres to focus an audience's attention on a performer as he moves around the stage.

MouseLight has borrowed the concept from theatres and applied it your computer where the actor is the mouse cursor and the stage is the desktop screen.

When you are doing a PowerPoint presentation or a software demonstration and want the audience to focus on some specific area of the screen, MouseLight puts a circular spotlight around your cursor and highlights that area allowing your audience to follow you - the rest of the screen outside the spotlight circle is dimmed automatically.

There's another advantage of MouseLight - If you are work on a large screen or a dual monitor, it's so common that you keep losing track of the mouse pointer. With MouseLight, just press the hotkey and you'll immediately know where the cursor is placed on the screen. No guesswork required.

MouseLight is available for Windows only, Mac users have a similar application called Mouseposé. MouseLight for Windows is available for $20 while the Mousepose for Mac costs only $10.

Not to be confused with Apple Desktop Search Software which is also known as SpotLight.

FM is on GTalk

FM is on your GTalk now ( Teen Taal 110...,only hindi songs)

for this u need to follow these steps...,

1) add this id in ur GTalk:

2) then add:

after completion of these 2 steps

then make a cal to than u wil be directly connected

to teen taal FM radio station

Related : Internet Radio Broadcasting in your Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger or Yahoo Messenger

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