So you are going to throw a party ... and want to hear on next day from your guest ... What a party that was ... ??? So just before giving party ... read these important and useful tips ...

- So you wanna throw a party at home?
- It's simple you know. The mantra is: the fun begins from the word go!
- All it takes is a little bit of planning.

Date and Time
- Decide a date, preferably a Friday or Saturday.
- A Saturday dinner works best. It gives you the whole day to go through your to-do list.
- Sunday brunch is also a good idea. You could entertain people until the evening and still have enough time to organise yourself for the upcoming week at work.
- Sunday dinner? Nah, it is just too close to Monday morning blues.
Who's invited?
- The guest list isn't as easy as it sounds: Make a list a week in advance.
- Check with your best pal/girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse about who they want to invite.
- Be prepared to add and subtract -- it is just impossible to invite all our favourite people.
- Besides, you also have to consider space (at home) and your budget.
- What you could do is invite people in batches. If you can't call one set this month, call them next month!
How to call or Invite
- Inviting is not an art. But don't be callous.
- Tell them in person, on the phone, on e-mail. Do all three, preferably.
- How long does it take to shoot an e-mail, after all?
- Invite your friends four, five days in advance. In case there are dropouts, you will have enough time to invite someone else
The dress code
- Do let your guests know who else is coming to the party.
- If you have a dress code, let them know what they should wear.
- Of course, the best thing would be to ask them to wear anything they want -- shorts, pyjamas, salwar-kameezes, halters. You want your guests to be comfortable, right?
Confer and revel
- Check with your guests on the menu and drinks they would like. Pamper them a little!
- If they offer to bring a bottle of wine or dessert, be frank. Tell them yes or no.
- If you know they will bring something anyway, tell them what you prefer -- chocolate cake, red wine, vodka, whatever
Check, check, check!
- Do you have enough plates, glasses, cutlery, dessert bowls?
- Borrow from a friend, if you are okay with it.
- If that's not your scene, get those use and throw plates. They serve the purpose, even if they don't look great.
One day before
- Stack enough ice trays in the freezer.
- Make room in your refrigerator for bottles, dessert, etc.
- Mark vegetarian and non-vegetarian food covers for the microwave.
- If you are ordering food, have the menu ready.
- If you are cooking, your ingredients should be ready.
Your party will fizzle without:
- napkins
- Wine openers
- A large dustbin. Put an additional big plastic bag in the kitchen to chuck empty bottles and soiled napkins.
And the food!
What to feed them?
- If you are a shaky cook or simply don't have the time, ask your cook to fix a meal. And/or order some food from outside.
- Stick to one type of cuisine. If it is Indian, avoid Sesame Chicken as a starter and Biryani as main course.
- Stick to one or two main vegetarian and non vegetarian dishes instead of having a huge spread.
- Two starters, two main course dishes and two desserts are a great idea.
What's a party without booze?
- Once you have your guests' preferences, stock the bar accordingly.
- Vodka, red and white wine, rum, whisky are the usual suspects.
- Put the wine in the refrigerator half an hour before serving.
- There are many wine options available. Shops usually keep a list and will show you what they have. Here are some good, economical options for wine: Sula Chenin Blanc, Sula Blush. Both bottles cost under Rs 500.
- Play your favourite and keep some tapes or CDs on top so that guests too have a choice.
- Avoid blaring the music. The best parties are driven by conversation and laughter.
Next stop: Bathroom
- This is an absolute must!
- See that your bathroom is clean. It is the one place that is used most at a party.
- Keep a clean hand towel and box of tissues, hand wash and extra toilet roll.
- Put some flowers by the sink -- mogras in a bowl smell great.
- Scented candles bring that extra touch of warmth.
Flower power
- Don't have a party without flowers!
- Get flowers you like. Stick them in glasses, empty wine bottles or vases.
- Red, yellow, pink Gerberas look great in transparent white jugs.
- Put them over your refrigerator, on the floor, in the bookcase.
- A green potted plant by your door looks great.
Smoker's corner
- Do not allow smokers to engulf your living room with cigarette dhuan (smoke).
- Tell them beforehand to use the balcony or the verandah.
- Keep some ashtrays handy. It's terrible to find ash all over your plants and the floor.
- Keep some stools ready at the smoker's corner. Smokers usually have a conference of sorts even when squeezed in a corner.
Freeway to everywhere
- Open your home to your guests.
- Allow them in the kitchen, bedroom, study: it gives everyone space and creates a friendly atmosphere.
- Do lock your cupboards/ wardrobe.
- Put away valuables -- curios, etc. Remember, things can get stolen at any party.
You are the best host when...
- You dress well and comfortably.
- You have to stretch and pick up the crumbs, wash glasses when you run out of clean ones and squat on the floor to chat.
- Don't get stressed about your guests. Show them around -- where the food, microwave, booze, etc are -- and let them help themselves.
When the party's over
- Put all the leftovers in the fridge.
- Stack plates in the sink and hit the bed.
- Wake up late the following morning and chill.
- And don't forget to send SMSes to your friends, thanking them for coming to your party!
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